Category: News

Glen Onoko Closure: Why Officials Shut Down One of Pennsylvania’s Most Popular Hiking Trails
The trail to Pennsylvania’s Glen Onoko Falls became a victim of its own success. Widely considered one of the best waterfall hikes in the East, this short, steep trail leading to a series of falls—including the namesake Glen Onoko—is now closed to visitors. The Pennsylvania Game Commission, which manages the land on which the trail […]

New Cardigan Lodge Amenities Provide Wilderness Therapy for Kids with Autism
Whether you’re taking a walk in your local park or you’re hiking in the mountains, nature can offer solace when things feel overwhelming. For those on the autism spectrum—almost 2 percent of American children, who struggle to communicate and are extra-sensitive to bright lights, loud noises, and new places and people—a nature path provides especially […]

Conservation Victory in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands
AMC Cheers Highlands Conservation Act Renewal and Full Funding Protecting the places you love just got a lot easier. Congress last week renewed the popular Highlands Conservation Act for seven more years, providing $10 million this year to fund open space projects in the Mid-Atlantic region. First passed in 2004, the Highlands Conservation Act (HCA) allowed […]

AMC Calls For Smart Energy Project Siting
It’s obvious to those of us who hike that open spaces, especially those along ridgelines, tend to be breezy spots. We love climbing to those inspiring heights for the solitude, the unspoiled views, and the sense of accomplishment they provide, wind or no wind. Energy developers covet many of the same places here in […]