Category: Gear

Sleeping Bags For Kids
How do you fit a kids sleeping bag? What sizes of kids sleeping bags are available? Here’s a quick primer on choosing the right sleeping bag for young campers. Ideally, a kid-sized sleeping bag should fit like an adult’s sleeping bag: as snug as is comfortable, not too long, and not too short. This presents […]

How to Stuff a Sleeping Bag: Three Simple Tips
There are three simple things you can do to stuff a sleeping bag with minimal effort and hassle, as well as squash it down to the smallest possible size. First, stuff it tail first. Second, turn it inside out. Third, use a compression stuff sack. Here are the details on these simple, but extremely effective, […]

How to Fit a Sleeping Bag
The better a sleeping bag fits, the warmer it will be. A properly fitting sleeping bag will wrap around you as snugly as possible, but not fit so tightly that it’s uncomfortable for you to sleep in. The basic idea is simple: You want to minimize the amount of air space around your body. This […]

New Hiking Boots? How to Check (and Adjust) the Fit
If you have a new pair of hiking or winter boots, make sure they fit properly. If they don’t, return them immediately for a better fitting alternative. Here’s what to look for. Check the Length First, don whichever socks you expect to wear with your new boots. Next, identify your longer foot (most people have […]

Greenhead Repellents
Greenheads are a type of large biting fly that live in saltwater marshes from early July until early August. When they’re out in force, they can be a blood-sucking bane for beachgoers from North Carolina to Maine. Here’s what you can do to keep them at bay. Greenheads are big, roughly an inch long, and […]

Pack Heat, Not Weight: Pros and Cons of Alcohol Stoves
Interested in a stove that weighs less than 3 ounces, burns in blissful silence, features no complicated moving parts, and uses a low-cost and widely available fuel? Plus is inexpensive, durable, and ultra-simple to use? Meet the alcohol stove, a featherweight cooker that can instantly shave a pound or more off your packweight. Its unique […]

Got No Hips? How to deal with a common backpack fit issue
When you’re shopping for an overnight backpack, the single-most important feature to look for is a good fit. And when it comes to fit, the most important element to get right is the waistbelt. If, however, you’ve got no hips, no outward curvature around your waist, then you may have a problem. I certainly do. […]

Debunking a Common Wetsuit Myth
Neoprene wetsuits are an amazing invention, allowing wearers to stay warm in chilly waters that they would otherwise never be able to withstand for any length of time. But there’s a common myth about how they work, one I’ve heard repeated over and over again. The myth is this: Wetsuits keep you warm by trapping […]

How to Choose Climbing Shoes
My first climbing shoes squished my feet and crunched my toes in throbbing misery. I quickly learned that crushing toe pain isn’t exactly compatible with fun or motivation—and climbed a lot less as a result. My mistake? I went shopping with the misguided belief that climbing shoes should fit as tightly as possible for maximum […]

It’s in the Bag: The Best Ziplocs for the Backcountry
When it comes to packing food for the backcountry, protecting essential gear from moisture, or entombing a biohazard pair of smelly socks, there’s one item that does it all: Ziploc Freezer Bags. Ziploc is the brand name product line from SC Johnson. Zip-lock bags are from any of its myriad competitors. In my experience, they […]

Snowshoe Poles vs. Trekking Poles
There’s no question that a good pair of poles is a boon for staying on your feet and balanced while out snowshoeing, especially if you’re tromping around in uneven terrain or snow conditions. But what exactly is the difference between a pair of trekking poles and those marketed as “snowshoe” poles? Not much. They are […]

How to Fix a Trekking Pole
The use of adjustable trekking poles for hiking has become incredibly popular in the last decade, and rightly so. Using poles to share the load helps take stress off your knees and lower joints and puts your arms, shoulders, and chest to work. Poles also improve your endurance so you can better enjoy your hiking […]

Boot Camp: Hiking Footwear 101
Your feet are your most important piece of hiking equipment. Keep them happy and you will be even more so. Displease them and you will suffer their bruised and blistered malice. Their fate rests in your hands—and it all starts with a proper fit for your hiking footwear. Boot Basics When shopping for hiking boots, […]

How to Set Up a Bear Bag
To be bear-proof, food must be suspended at least 10 feet off the ground and 8 feet from the trunk. To accomplish this: Carry 50-100 feet of thin cord. Look for a load-bearing branch 20-25 feet overhead that extends far enough from the trunk. Tie a rock or other heavy object to one end of […]

Essential Winter Gear for Northeastern Hikes
Nothing compares to the crisp, clean air of winter and the magnificent view of a snowy landscape. But any trip into the outdoors, even a day hike, requires careful planning and the right gear. Always check the weather and trail conditions and prepare for the worst conditions; make plans with your group’s abilities in mind […]

Treat Your Gear Right
As an experiment, I once left an old tent rainfly out in my yard for several months, exposed to all manner of weather, temps above and below freezing — and, most important, thousands of hours of ultraviolet (UV) rays. I decided the experiment was over when lifting the rainfly from the ground caused it to […]