Year in Review

This year has been a bright one for AMC. Despite a difficult economy and continuing impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve accomplished a great deal – and our top website articles reflect that. Here’s a look back at some of the top articles from the first 11 months of 2022.
In January, we held our 146th Annual Summit. For the second year in a row, it was held remotely, allowing members and supporters to join us from across the region. In 2023, we’ll be back to an in-person gathering. Learn more and register. One of last year’s speakers was AMC Archivist Becky Fullerton, who provided a sneak peek at her talk, “Wayfinding: Historical Journals, Maps, and Hikers of the Pemigewasset Wilderness.” Read more.
In February, as snow piled up and ski conditions improved, an excerpt from AMC’s Best Backcountry Skiing in the Northeast, Second Edition, was one of our top articles. This section of the book describes Mount Cardigan and neighboring Firescrew, two of New England’s most historic and scenic runs. Read more.
The Franconia Notch Loop is one of the most popular hiking routes in the White Mountains, with up to 1,000 hikers every day in peak season. But the trails that comprise the loop were built between 1826 and 1958, before we had knowledge of how to build resilient trails that protect the surrounding alpine environment. In March, the federal government appropriated $1.1 million for the repair and realignment of the trail. The work will be coordinated and led by AMC under the direction of the United States Forest Service. Read more.
Hikers in New England may have noticed a frequent and unnatural sight in seemingly random places: old stone walls. Experts estimate that in the mid-1800s, there were about 240,000 miles of stone walls across New England. In this popular article from April, we look at the origins of these manmade structures that appear in some of our wildest places. Read more.
This spring, AMC released the 4th edition of our popular guidebook AMC’s Best Day Hikes in the White Mountains. As the weather warmed and we began dreaming of summer hikes, this excerpt, featuring some of our staff’s favorite hikes, was one of the most popular posts from May. Read more.
June’s popular article also focused on trip planning. Our three-season hiking and backpacking gear list is an essential guide for what to bring on any warm-weather outdoor adventure. Read more.
Looking to hike with your four-legged best friend? This popular article from July discusses what you should keep in mind when hiking with a dog to keep you, your dog, and other hikers safe and happy – and to help protect the environment. Read more.
In August, AMC purchased the nearly 27,000-acre Pleasant River Headwaters Forest in Piscataquis County, Maine, bringing AMC’s total holdings in the Maine Woods to more than 100,000 acres. The purchase was a milestone for both AMC and for the region, permanently conserving one of the last unprotected swaths of land in the Northeast and protecting globally significant fish habitat. Read more.
Opened in 2016 after a $2 million renovation by AMC, the Stephen and Betsy Corman AMC Harriman Outdoor Center is a popular and accessible escape for millions of residents in the New York City region. Due to the location’s increasing popularity, AMC has now turned to renovating and redeveloping the much-larger Baker Camp, also in Harriman State Park. Read more.
This fall, we released the 31st Edition of the iconic White Mountain Guide. This popular article from September looks back at the guidebook’s history, origins, and path to becoming the comprehensive resource it is today. Read more.
Do cell phones belong in the mountains? This article, originally published in AMC’s Appalachia journal, describes one hiker’s quest to remain technology-free while outdoors, and his struggle over whether a phone is required when hiking with kids. Read more.
Featuring trip advice, conservation news, history, and recreational updates, our top articles of the year highlight the diversity of AMC’s work and mission. While the topics are broad, the mission is simple: everything we do is to foster the protection, understanding, and enjoyment of the outdoors. We’re proud of what we accomplished this year, and we look forward to a bright 2023.