AMC Wants to Hear Your Story! 

Group of people

Attention, Storytellers!

Why do you love the outdoors? AMC wants to hear your stories! 

Your tale could be published on the revamped and win some great prizes!

AMC is currently seeking ideas for essays, adventure narratives, trail work successes, conservation highlights, and other outdoor content that tells AMC’s story from across our region. Professional editors will select the best ideas and work one-on-one with writers to develop gripping stories that may appear across numerous AMC channels—including social media, e-newsletters, print mailers, curricula, and even educational displays in our facilities. The year’s best writing will be entered into a contest and eligible for some great prizes.

We are currently seeking stories to be published in February, March, and April. Here are a few recent reader-submitted stories we’ve published:

Four Strangers, One Passion, and an Inextricable Bond Through Hiking in the Northeast

Pitch us your idea here!

Questions or feedback? Email Steve Holt, AMC’s Senior Editor for Engagement Content, at [email protected].

About the Author…

AMC Outdoors

AMC Outdoors inspires people to engage in outdoor conservation and recreation through meaningful stories.

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